Finally on the road

Read / lees in : Nederlands

Start of my trip around the world in Apeldoorn / The Netherlands
Official kick-off Ed’s world tour

Finally, after more than two and a half months of preparation, saying goodbye visits, saying goodbye dinners and even saying goodbye trips to Portugal and Spain, the time has arrived for me to start my trip around the world. Due to the relentless cold weather with snowfall my enthusiasm has only increased (can anyone tell me what the advantages of a white Christmas are again?) On top of that the website geenstijl gave me even more reason to go with this blogpost. Besides my life has been reduced to a suitcase and a backpack, I don’t even have a keychain anymore. So I’m officially a drifter, so I gotta hit the road.

The last few weeks in +31 unfortunately got a black lining, but that only made me realise even more that you have to try and get everything out of life that you can. Good for me that I had planned something already.

Last but not least I want to reassure everybody not to worry about me during my trip around the world, because I’ve had plenty of time to prepare me for literally every situation and contingency I might have to face.

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