Out of your fucking mind?

Read / lees in : Nederlands

A couple of miles above Fiji
Laughing while shitting your pants = not easy

When you’re traveling around the world, of course you get into a plane now and again. And if all goes well at some point you get out of it too, curious about what you’re going to find on your new destination. But after almost five years that started to get boring. So what do you do to make your sex life exciting again? You step out of a plane before the pilot has even set in the landing procedure for a change. Of course I shat my pants while doing so, but because I opted for the photo and video option I forced myself to keep laughing. The latter fortunately was quite successful. And looking back, I have to say I really enjoyed myself. So I think I will look into the requirements of getting a license to jump. This is definitely a lot of fun.

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